PyPortal Tesla SOC Monitor
Monitor the state of charge of the battery without using the app in your phone.
I always want to know the battery level while the car is charging, but do not want to constantly look at the app is why I created this simple SOC monitor.
The PyPortal Tesla SOC Monitor is written using CircuitPython and uses the un-official Tesla API to grab the JSON data sent from the car and display the SOC level, charging status, and whether the vehicle is asleep or not.
The SOC is displayed numerically and as a battery level icon on a custom background that includes an image of the car.
It also has a night mode, where the screen and backlight are turned off with the ability to wake up by tapping the screen. The refresh rate also changes depending on if the night mode is active or not.
All Features
- Custom splash screen
- Custom background
- SOC displayed as percentage
- Custom battery icon
- Charging icon
- Night mode
- Custom refresh rate
- Code to get the user access keys
- Verbose print outputs
The code can be found in my GitHub account here. If you need help, feel free to contact me. I may write a tutorial later if many people are interested on it.